So I made a couple more pages recently. I find that the 3rd child is keeping me busier than I anticipated... or maybe I forgot how much attention little ones need... Either way, I don't spend nearly enough time in my craft room. Which means I also kinda ignore this blog too... I wish I had more time for both, both if I'm not crafting, it seems like I have nothing to post here either. Hopefully that will change soon. I always feel more inspired in the fall to be creative!
For the first page here, I used pics form our vacation to Myrtle Beach last summer. I love the pictures of the girls in the sand. The 2nd page is for my baby boy's book. I love all the pics I was able to get on one page! I shows a little of how many people came to see little Austin in his first few weeks home. I can't believe he turned 1 last month... that year went by so fast!
Hope you are all having a great day!