Friday, January 21, 2011

project for my mom

So, I have been trying to get this scrapbook finished for my was supposed to be a Christmas present, but the holidays snuck up on me, and well, it didn't get finished!!  I barely finished wrapping my presents, let alone squeeze in time to be creative!  Anyways, I finally gave her a partial book the other day when we got together with the promise that there was more to come!!  Here are some of the pages:

It's an 8x8 album and all the pages focus around things my mom does with my girls in the kitchen.  My mom is a baker, so she is always helping my kids decorate cookies and cupcakes, etc. so I thought it would be fun to make her a book of some of their special moments together!  My mom LOVED it!  Well, like I mentioned, it's not finished yet, but she loves what she has so far!  I have about 6 more pages finished upstairs and I think just 1 more to go and I will be up to date...I'm so close to being finished!!! (I should really finish it up today and feel so accomplished!)  I need to take pics of the newer pages still, and it's sunny today (for a change) so I need to do that today.

Oh, and did I mention, I made a title page? I have never done that before, but I thought since the focus of this book was special times between my girls and their Grandma with mostly baking involved, the first page of the book says: "Grammy and the girls; a recipe for fun!" isn't that a cute title?  Too bad I forgot to take a picture of that...I ws rushed to get the book together for her that evening... oh well.

More pages coming soon!!

1 comment:

The Scrappy Cottage said...

Great title page. I know this book will mean the world to your mom......